Our Vision
We envision Christ-centered families pursuing godliness and changing their environments generationally.
Our Mission
Our mission is to Develop Christ-centered Families as a Kingdom Priority through the local Church, internationally.
Our Purpose
Family Life International Fellowship is here to help equip Christ-centered families to pursue godliness and stand firm against all strategies of the devil.
Mission Statement
Pursue Godliness As A Family Priority!
1 Tim. 4:7-8; 6:6, 11
Family Life International Fellowship is a Christ-centered, Family-focused, apostolic, and prophetic full Gospel ministry. We provide apostolic oversight, covering, and fellowship for pastors and ministries who desire to model the unity of the body and proper ecclesiastical order as they serve Christ-centered Families. We empower pastors and ministry leaders with tools designed to enable them to address the physical, emotional and spiritual health, interest, needs, rights, and welfare of the Family. We develop and equip pastors to evangelize, disciple, and minister to the family as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Strategic Objectives
Prepare and support Clergy to evangelize and disciple the family (Matthew 28:19-20).
Prepare and support Clergy to lead the family out of social, economic, and spiritual bondage (Galatians 5:18, 24-26).
Prepare and support Clergy to equip families to serve others (John 13:14-17).
Prepare and support Clergy to lead the family to worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24; 1 Peter 3:15).
Develop materials and training to help the local Church equip Families to pursue godliness, serve, and worship God in spirit and in truth.
Increase the FLIF presence globally through the placement of Christ-centered Family-focused leaders, ministries, and materials (Acts 1:8).
The Word of God.
The local and universal Body of Christ.
The family.
The pursuit of godliness.
Our leader and his family.
Christ-centered Family-focused Generational Leadership.
Our brothers and sisters, facilities, and ministries.
Our youth and community.
The responsible use of Ministry resources.
Godly, open, honest communication.
Godly Parenting Deuteronomy 1-9; Malachi 2:15; Ephesians 4.
Godly Counseling Romans 15:14; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:3-4.
Sanctity of Life Psalm 100:3; 127:3; Luke 1:41, 44.
Gender Clarity Genesis 1:27; Mark 10:6.
Racial Justice Deuteronomy 10; Luke 10; Acts 10; James 3.
Economic Justice Deuteronomy 8; Proverbs 10; Amos 5; Luke 18.